Monday, August 11, 2008

Gracias, Don Pedro's!

I recently received a tip from a fellow Salemite who is from my hometown of San Marcos, Texas. She said that Don Pedro's Mexican restaurant was the closest thing to Tex-Mex that she had found in the area.

My wife and I visited it for lunch on Sunday and I must say, she was right. We got the cheese enchilada plate and the chile relleno plate with chips and salsa. We felt a slight tingle of heat from the salsa...a good sign here in Salem, since most salsas that are served in other Mexican restaurants here resemble chunky tomato juice. It wasn't hot as hades like back at home, but tingly just the same.

The chile relleno's were good. Thank goodness! I was afraid it was going to be like every other chile relleno order I had braved here in Salem - essentially, slimey pepper omelates.

The gravy covering both the enchiladas and the chile rellenos was the right color, but not quite the same taste and texture as true Tex-Mex. Close enough though, so I ain't complainin'.

Chips were decent. A little thick but they had a nice addition of a chili powder dusting on top.

The biggest drawback is the atmosphere. A little redecoration and the addition of some good conhunto music (and unplugging the TV) would do wonders for this great place.